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Group Introduction


The SNS team is mostly responsible for social networking-which includes social media posts, creating posters, pamphlets, and other promotional media for the Ryudai Glocal Festival! These members will serve as the platform where every elements and members of Ryudai Glocal Festival build connection!


SNSチームは、SNSへの投稿、ポスターやパンフレットの作成など、琉大グローカルフェスティバルの広報活動を主に担当しています。私たち SNSチームは、皆さんとグローカルフェスティバルを繋ぐプラットフォームです!グローカルフェスティバルのメンバー紹介やイベントの概要を楽しみにしていてください!


Hello everyone!! Today, we'll introduce to you our Stamp Rally team. Are you curious on how your name looks in other languages? Our team will create your name in various languages. Participating in the stamp rally, you will learn about various cultures trivia and interact with exchange students!


みなさん、こんにちは!今日は、スタンプラリーチームをご紹介します。自分の名前を他の言語でどう書くか、気になりませんか?私たちのチームが、あなたの名前を様々な言語で作ります. スタンプラリーに参加すると、様々な文化の豆知識を学んだり、留学生と交流することができます!


The Human library's role is to connect Okinawa citizens with students who live abroad. They promote inclusion and diversity in order to create a better understanding of one another. This way, students can share their personal stories with Okinawa citizens and have them connect with the international community.




Get ready for a warm reception as our students are available to answer all questions, and guide you in making sure you have a wonderful festival experience.




Stay tuned for our new website where we will answer any inquires, provide up to date information on the festival, history, and document this year's festival activities. Be on the lookout for one of our website members where you could be featured in this year video.




The Fundraising team has the responsibility to develop and implement fundraising strategies in supporting the Ryudai Glocal Festival. They help cultivate relationships with potential donors, sponsors, and maintain relationships with current organizations in achieving our financial goals.





They are in charge of answering vendors questions, decoration, and advertisement of booths. They also provide verbal and written updates to both parties.




The job and responsibility of the kids group is to provide fun games and entertainment for the children attending the festival and make sure they have a fun and interactive experience.


キッズ グループの仕事と責任は、フェスティバルに参加する子供たちに楽しいゲームやエンターテイメントを提供し、楽しくインタラクティブな体験をできるようにすることです。


The stage group will put on a magnificent show for everyone attending. Many performers and acts will go on stage and showcase their talents. If you’re looking for a fun time and a great show please come check out the stage performances.




Bonjour. Curious about French culture? Want to learn how to speak French? Look no further and meet our France Team. Try their delicious French cuisine and snacks. Do you think you know about French culture and trivia? Try taking their quiz and find out. They also have a few games in store for you . Come check them out! 🇫🇷

ボンジュール フランス文化に興味がありますか? フランス語を話せるようになりたいですか? フランスチームをご紹介します。 美味しいフランス料理と軽食をお試しください。 フランス文化やトリビアについて知っていますか?是非フランスに関するクイズに挑戦してみてください。 また、いくつかのゲームも用意しています。 ぜひ一度ご覧ください! 🇫🇷


Sa bai dee(ສະບາຍດີ )! Ever wondered what Laos culture is like? Our Laos Team is here to teach you all about Laos. They want to share with you some bits of culture and trivia. Try their delicious foods, games, and quiz. Laos being the only landlocked country in Southeast Asia, it is a hidden gem among South East Asian countries. They’ll be waiting for you 🇱🇦!

サバイディー(ສະບ)! ラオスの文化ってどんなんだろう? 私たちのラオスチームは、ラオスについてすべてを教えるためにここにいます。彼らはラオスの文化やトリビアを共有します。ラオスのおいしい食べ物やゲーム、クイズに挑戦してください。東南アジア唯一の内陸国であるラオスは、東南アジアの中でも隠れた人気国です。 ラオスチームはみなさんのご来場をお待ちしています🇱🇦! ラオスブースへ是非お越しください!

Glocal Festival


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